Explorers Connect: Justyna Kloc & Caroline Burrows

Explorers Connect are joined by two speakers this month. Justyna Kloc speaks on her travels internationally, and Caroline Burrows speaks on her mini-literary cycling tour of Northern England.

  •  August 4, 2016
     6:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Justyna Kloc 

An intrepid traveler for as long as she can remember, Justyna was always driven by her desire to explore the world. Her childhood trips abroad with her family only helped to deepen her inborn passion. She has now visited over 30 countries alongside her husband, with their tour of South America proving to be the greatest experience in their lives. Justyna will tell a story about passion for travelling, fulfilling your dreams, and surviving a journey with a partner.

Caroline Burrows

Bikes, books and bad backs: a mini-literary cycling tour of North England. Here, Caroline charts Northern England in a literary tour born out of her need to travel and to find a creative outlet following the surgery which prompted her to change careers. “Some bad luck actually changed my life for the better.”

Covering everything from overnight adventures to expeditions to the South Pole, Bristol Explorers brings together like-minded adventurers from the South West area for talks, drinks, and socialising of the very best sort.

£5 on the door / £3 to EC Club members