Funzing: The Evolution of Galaxies

Find out how galaxies have evolved from the birth of the universe through cosmic explosions all the way to the present, and how observing galaxies may be our best chance of getting to grips with dark matter and dark energy. Come and be dazzled by the grandest structures in the Universe, and learn about the incredible feats of human engineering and creativity that are required to find out about our place in the cosmos.

  •  March 14, 2018
     7:00 pm - 9:30 pm


Telescopes may be the closest things we have to time machines: the farther in space we look, the earlier in the history of the universe we get to see. By observing galaxies across cosmic time, we can deduce how they formed out of tiny quantum fluctuations very soon after the Big Bang, and how they then evolved over billions of years.

Find out how galaxies have evolved from the birth of the universe through cosmic explosions all the way to the present, and how observing galaxies may be our best chance of getting to grips with dark matter and dark energy. Come and be dazzled by the grandest structures in the Universe, and learn about the incredible feats of human engineering and creativity that are required to find out about our place in the cosmos.

Dr Amelie Saintonge is an associate professor at UCL. She studies the formation and evolution of galaxies, using the worlds largest radio telescopes to find out the makings of distant galaxies. Originally from Canada and having completed her PhD studies at Cornell University (USA), she held research positions in Switzerland and Germany before joining UCL in 2013 as a Royal Society Research Fellow. A keen public speaker, Dr Saintonge has recently addressed audiences at the Royal Society Summer Exhibit, the Hay Festival and New Scientist Live.