The Young Entrepreneur Networking Association offers a networking environment for people aged 15-30. Prestigious speakers, engaging topics, and a diverse crowd of people.

  •  October 1, 2018
     6:30 pm - 10:55 pm


YENA is the network for young entrepreneurs, ambitious professionals, and those who want to meet them. Since its inception at The Square in 2013, YENA has grown a community of over 1600 people across multiple UK cities.

Thinking of starting a business? Growing your start-up and looking for peer support? Or maybe you just want to find out where the opportunities are in your city? YENA brings together young and ambitious individuals, below the age of 35, with a keen interest in business, to give you the opportunity to gain access to a vital centre of support. Come along, meet like-minded people and grow your network to give yourself and your business the best start possible! Dress code: Come as yourself! There are no false personas at YENA – we want you to be as comfortable as you can. Smart casual is the norm though. For enquiries please email

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