Funzing: How to boost your life with CBT

Corinne Sweet, author of best-selling Change Your Life with CBT, will talk about how to boost your life with CBT.

  •  October 31, 2018
     7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

CBT – or Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is a 21st century buzz term. It’s everywhere. But what is CBT and how does it work?

CBT started in the late 1960s as a branch of Behavioural Psychology – based in the idea of ‘shaping’ behaviour through ‘conditioning and reward (think Pavlov’s dogs). The ideas have filtered into everyday life and CBT has developed into a practical and progressive therapy. SO does it work for everyone?

Corinne Sweet, author of best-selling Change Your Life with CBT, will explain how you can develop a ‘toolkit’ of skills to help you conquer your hatred of spiders, fear of flying or obsessive thoughts, beat anxiety, depression and even to learn new skills.

More information available at: