Bristol empowering personal transformation meetup

Using some basic techniques you will
1) evaluate where you currently are in life, 2) identify areas to expand upon, 3) create your life vision

  •  March 11, 2020
     6:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Join a group dedicated to exploring personal and life change in a gentle environment.

Life changes can be brought about by external events but can also be initiated when internal changes mean that your current life is no longer a reflection of your authentic self. This can often manifest in feelings of ‘Why am I here?’, or ‘What am I doing?’.

This session is about DOING; using tools and techniques for self-examination, to facilitate working through themes such as: your life vision, authentic-self, boundaries and self-esteem, to help you bring your life back into line with who you have already become.

Bring a pen and paper, the work begins in this session, you should leave with an exercise already underway, and clarity on how to continue the work in your own space and time.

Cost: £5 on the door