Learn How To Set Boundaries & Assert Your Voice In The Workplace

Workshop by Tammy Whalen Blake, the founder of a life-changing program that allows professionals and business owners to achieve success without limitations

  •  March 10, 2020
     10:00 am - 12:00 pm

When you respect your personal boundaries, others typically will too.

Creating boundaries at work can get tough, but with clear communication, practice and preparation, setting boundaries can be done.

Through not understanding your boundaries, you can often feel negative and frustrated in life.

In this workshop, you will:
● Become clear that your progress is the result of your thinking and your value hierarchy
● Identify your work values and evaluate their role in your motivation and performance
● Uncover your unique values and align your life accordingly, you can achieve fulfilment in every aspect of your life: deepening your relationships, creating an inspiring career, establishing financial freedom, and tapping into a rich spiritual life.
● Free yourself from your self-imposed restrictions and those adopted from society
● Leverage your values to communicate effectively and create boundaries.

This workshop is part of a series to guide professionals and business owners to Go To Yellow.

You can buy your ticket here