Honest, Uplifting, Motivational, Aspirational, Nourishment for the Soul – Join some amazing HUM4NS for an evening of inspiration.

  •  June 20, 2022
     7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

HUM4NS began life as a series of talks among entrepreneurs, providing them with a platform to step out from behind ‘what they do’ and venture into the ‘who I am, what holds me back and how I moved forward’.

HUM4NS provided a platform for ordinary people to share honest, uplifting, motivational, aspirational, nourishment for the soul, inspiring others to take action and build towards achieving their own dreams.

Stepping into a brave new world and opening themselves up to a new audience, HUM4NS has a simple but important quest; to help the world be a happier, healthier, smarter and kinder place, by providing a place for people to learn, grow and develop.

The speakers will share personal stories of how they have overcome challenges and what they learnt along the way with the aim of helping us all become brave, empowering, inspiring, nurturing and hiving (or HUM4NBEINGs as we like to call it)

Arrival from 7pm, followed by an introductions and a few talks, and then networking and drinks!

Book your free ticket here –