Bristol Girl: Debate Club

Debate is for everyone. Whether you’re an experienced debater, someone who likes a challenge or searching for a new hobby – anyone can get involved!

  •  February 22, 2022
     6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
  •  March 29, 2022
     6:30 pm - 7:30 pm

From the City Girl Network, Bristol Girl presents: Debate Club.

Debate Club is focused around informal, yet engaging, discussions based on an array of topics. Each month, we will unravel, debunk and scrutinise a particular motion; we will hear interesting perspectives and add our own critiques as the discussion progresses. You will find Debate Club to be intellectual, immersive and, most importantly, inclusive!

Debate is for everyone. Whether you’re an experienced debater, someone who likes a challenge or searching for a new hobby – anyone can get involved! If you’d like to meet new people, develop many transferable skills and become experts on contentious topics, then you won’t want to miss it!

Topics are TBC

Square Works has a handful of free tickets for female members. Please sign up at reception.