Buddhist Meditation

This session gives you the opportunity to learn a simple meditation technique and connect a little with the wisdom of the Buddha.

  •  October 26, 2022
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  •  October 19, 2022
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  •  November 2, 2022
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm
  •  November 9, 2022
     6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

This session gives you the opportunity to learn a simple meditation technique and connect a little with the wisdom of the Buddha.

The sessions will give you the tools to calm your busy mind and offer you positive food for thought and reflection. Over the centuries these elements of Buddhism have helped countless people across the world to deal with the challenges of everyday life and develop their compassion for others.

Liz is your guide for this session. She has been studying and practicing meditation within the Sakya and Kagyu traditions of Tibetan Buddhism for over 20 years. And is a member of Dechen, an international association of Buddhist groups and centre. More information here.

The sessions will last for approximately 45 minutes in total. Please wear warm and comfortable clothing as the room will be well ventilated. Mats and meditation cushions will be provided but if you prefer to sit on a chair that’s also fine.

This is an open event for both members and the public for free.

To book, please contact the Square Works reception desk via phone: 0117 322 6635, or via email: hello@squareworksbristol.com

We look forward to seeing you there.