Roundtable: How to thrive in a recession

Are you bold enough to invest rather than retrench during a downturn?

  •  November 29, 2022
     8:00 am - 10:00 am

This event is for you if you would like to free up your business to invest just as your competitors are pulling up the drawbridge and waiting out the recession.

For many businesses, the first instinct when facing a recession will be to cut costs – reduce marketing, stop R&D, limit training. But as Winston Churchill once said (and we at hgkc agree), “never let a good crisis go to waste.

Economic downturns are not universally bad for business, and history has shown that they can present opportunities for growth.

The priority is to make sure your financial fundamentals are sound – install back-up lines of credit, reduce your aged debtors, get your costs under control, and make sure your finance department know what they are doing.

Then invest in your brand and focus on innovation within your core area of expertise. At a time when your competitors have stopped marketing, your profile will rise, and you will grow your business whilst all around others are losing theirs.

Peter Drucker, widely viewed as the father of modern management thinking, once said, “Because the purpose of business is to create a customer, the business enterprise has two – and only two – basic functions: marketing and innovation. Marketing and innovation produce results. All the rest are costs.”

Are you bold enough to invest rather than retrench during a downturn?

To hear our speakers, Sam Talby, Insolvency Practitioner from Undebt, Paul Netto, founder of visionary accountancy practice Equifino and Associate Partner of hgkc, and Kim Jones, expert in innovation and co-founder of hgkc and

participate in a roundtable discussion identifying and exploring the opportunities.

If you’d like to book your free spot, visit the Eventbrite page here

hgkc – Lead, Innovate, Exit

To ensure participation with full confidence the round table discussion will be under strict Chatham House rules – nothing will be attributed without prior permission and full anonymity will be maintained if desired.