Sunrise Yoga Flow with Rosie

Reconnect with your body in this sunrise yoga flow with Rosie.

  •  May 11, 2023
     7:45 am - 8:30 am

Reacting to the energy in the room, a guided movement to help you explore, getting out of your head and into your body.

Rosie believes that everyone is unique, like cycles of life, every day alters and changes and so this should be honoured and adapted in each class.

A guidance of movement to help explore your body, whatever the need from your class. Holding space for everyone to reconnect with your body.

Rosie incorporates teachings of chakras as well as the subtle body, helping to stimulate the nervous system to deepen focus of the mind.

An invitation to slow down whilst still building strength and flexibility within, encouraging playful flowing movement, take option for exploring holding poses whilst cultivating a smooth calming breath to help release, reconnect and ground both mind and body.

Every class is sequenced to whisk you away from the physical cycles of daily life, shifting stagnant energy whilst opening and strengthening the body in preparation for moments of inquiry and challenges in everyday life.

Each class closes with a guided breath practise and full body relaxation.

Classes open to all, offering hand on assists, modifications and props.

You will leave your practise feeling grounded and sense of equilibrium in both mind and body.

Book your class here

Square members get their first class free using code SQUARECLUBFREE followed by 30% off future classes with code SQUARECLUBMEMBER (your membership card will be checked on arrival)