Art of Connection

“The Undateables” Dating Coach, Couples Counsellor and relationships workshop leader, Cate Mackenzie, is joining The Square Club to offer some enlightenment on how to connect with people. Be it your family, friends, partner or even a stranger – Cate has a passion for helping people find love, to feel empowered to connect with themselves and others.

  •  August 19, 2019
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm


Join Cate MackenziePsychosexual Therapist and Dating Coach for Channel 4’s, the Undateables – for an eye-opening talk on the art of connection. She offers help on how to communicate and connect with loved ones or acquaintances on a deeper, more direct level.

Humans are an incredibly social species. With studies even citing that our ability to maintain relationships with one another can even affect our longevity, connecting with one another is inevitably a crucial part of our livelihood. With the rise of smartphone technology and ‘cramped-in’ city living, it’s no surprise that we’re becoming even more solitary, failing to seek those deep connections that give our lives meaning.

This talk will explore how to tap into your listening, appreciation, expression skills. All the more, you will be taught how to say what it is you need to say, in an honest and relational way, that allows for right messages to be conveyed. And finally, you will learn how to follow through on communication with people helping to build deeper, meaningful connections with others.

Doors: 7pm / Talk starts: 7.30pm.

Get your tickets with this link.