Ecological Catastrophe, System Change & Psychedelics

  •  November 14, 2019
     7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

Wai H. Tsang has been described by Dr. Gail Bradbrook, the Founder of Extinction Rebellion, as ‘an amazing thinker, speaker and writer’ and is supportive of his ideas relating to revolution and paradigm shift. He is currently collaborating on a new book with best selling US author Daniel Pinchbeck on how to instigate a global system change.

In the face of impending global environmental and ecological collapse, together with all the social, economic and political problems of the World; there are calls for real change and reform across the political and social spectrum.

It seems nothing short of global ‘system change’ or revolution would be sufficient to address the issues facing humanity. But how does system change come about? How can we bring about a peaceful revolution in the social, political and economic realms?

Leading thinkers and commentators have highlighted the need for system change, a paradigm shift, a shift in consciousness or even a spiritual revolution. But no one has been able to detail what it is or how it might come about.

Is the answer to radical social change related to the use of psychedelic substances?!

The academic study of revolutionary movements and system change provides us with clues as to what the answer might look like. However, there is a surprising and powerful perspective on the dynamics of past revolutionary movements, which has largely been neglected and could hold the key to understanding how a dramatic global system change may be instigated during the present age.

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