I’ll Be Back South West

Creatives & start ups! Surely you’re curious about Artiificial Intelligence, machine learning and progression in Technology? Well IBBSW is a FREE monthly gathering where explore the intersection of creativity, AI and advertising. Innovation and inspiration lead the way. Join your hosts Kerry and Norts of Tiny Giant for the South West’s acclaimed monthly mega-serving of all things creativity, advertising and AI.

  •  October 15, 2019
     6:00 pm - 8:30 pm


Come for a casual chat about all progressions in creative advertising and AI – FOR FREE!

This month we will have wizzes:

Ben Byford – Machine Ethics Podcaster

Rob Griffiths – Technology Consultant (AI), BJSS

Kerry Sheehan – Chartered Institute of Public Relations

Chris Booth – Applied AI Consultant, Filament AI

Followed by some drinks at our club with a bunch of like-minded people!

Click here for tickets