Style Series – Workshop No.4: Beauty School – Everything you need to know about lipstick, hair and skin care

Anna from Always a Fashion Parade and Sam from Samantha Costi Styling are two personal stylists from Bristol. With a fresh approach to styling, believing in dressing for the best you, they say ‘you don’t need lots of clothes to look good you just need to know how to wear them’ and they are here to teach you how! Join them on a journey of fun and interactive workshops to learn how to develop your own personal style and gain confidence in your wardrobe.

  •  February 18, 2019
     7:30 pm - 9:30 pm

Anna from Always a Fashion Parade and Sam from Samantha Costi Styling are two personal stylists from Bristol who met and instantly clicked over their love of colour and dressing for fun! They have a fresh approach to styling believing in dressing for the best you.​ They say you don’t need lots of clothes to look good you just need to know how to wear them and they are here to teach you how!​ They will take you on a journey where you will learn how to develop your own personal style and gain confidence in your wardrobe covering everything from colour and body shape to having daily confidence in what you wear.​

They have created five workshops in a Style Series to help you discover and develop your own personal style! The sessions are fun and interactive and they are keeping numbers to a minimum to ensure you get the most out of the session and enable working 1 on 1.

Buy tickets to Workshop No.4: Beauty School – Everything you need to know about lipstick, hair and skin care here