The Insight Code – The Neuroscience of Positive Mental Health

How to become the alchamist of your own mind, the neuroscience of maintaining positive mental health.

  •  February 23, 2023
     7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Join Lisa, who will tell you the story of her amazing journey into the depths of her own mind in this fascinating talk.

6 years ago, Lisa was faced with a decision that would change her life forever. She had to decide whether to have awake brain surgery to remove a tumour which lay deep inside her brain in the left temporal lobe, close to the area responsible for speech and language.

This decision came with extremely high risks – having the operation meant that she could have a stroke, may have to learn to talk, read and write again, or worst-case scenario, not survive the surgery.

Not having the operation meant living a life with four/five epileptic seizures every day and the chance that the ticking time bomb inside her brain could go off at any moment and this could take her life. Despite the odds being against her and many people saying that she was crazy to even contemplate such a risky operation, Lisa made the brave decision to have surgery.

In the months following her operation Lisa’s life changed beyond measure, she started to live more consciously, more in her right hemisphere and became completely attuned to her intuition and as a result became the alchamist of her own mind.

Lisa has spent many years working with neuro researchers, scientists, and psychologists at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosergey and has finally develpoed a formular to help people understand how they too can access heightened levels of euphoria, deeper levels of serenity and proactively maintain positive mental health.

With a heart filled with gratitude, Lisa will share with you the amazing journey she has been on and how we can all find our EUPHRENITY.

There are a limited number of free tickets for members, email to book.

General admissions can book here –

Money raised on the night will be donated to:The National Brain Appeal